MySuper Dashboard

This dashboard provides information on the AustralianSuper MySuper Balanced investment option. You can use this to compare our MySuper product with other MySuper products.

The return, return target and statement of fees and other costs data in this dashboard have been calculated for a member with an account balance of $50,000.


Ten year average annual return of 8.42% as at 30 June 2023.

Return target

For the timeframe 2023–2032, is to outperform (after fees and taxes) an average annual return above CPI of 3.81% over the medium to long term. Future returns aren’t guaranteed, so this is only a prediction.

Level of investment risk

High (Standard Risk Measure Band 6). Expectation of a negative return approximately five out of every 20 years.

The risk level of an investment option can change based on the investment timeframe. See 'Explanation of terms' below for more information on investment risk.

Statement of fees and other costs

$382 per year.

Comparison between return target and return

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